A Special Ops military Force, led by expert sniper Sergeant Jake Chandler (Steven Seagal), are sent to a remote Afghan village to extract an American congressman being held by the Taliban. The rescue mission is a success, but Jake, separated after a firefight with the enemy, stays behind to help an injured soldier. Sergeant Vic Mosby (Tim Abell) desperately tries to convince Major Jackson (Dale Dye) to let him go back and save the soldiers, but is ordered on a mission to retrieve a truckload of munitions which could be vital for the military base. In direct violation of orders, Vic and his Special Ops Team decide to head back to the village to rescue the stranded soldiers. Outnumbered and out gunned, Vic and his men engage in a massive shootout against the enemy, while Jake uses his expert skills to save them all from certain death.


  1. 1瞄准南半球国语 1.0
  2. 2一夫当关 8.0
  3. 3邪恶一代 6.0
  4. 4突击女孩 6.0
  5. 5机器人之城 4.0
  6. 6壮士斷臂 5.0
  7. 7特工355 4.0
  8. 8屠夫之子2 1.0
  9. 9摄影记者之死:阿根廷黑金政治 5.0
  10. 10分裂 1.0
  11. 11金印仇 7.0
  12. 12金毛狮王 10.0
  13. 13邻家女刺客 9.0
  14. 14维和防暴队 1.0
  15. 15九龙城寨之围城 9.0
  16. 16猩球崛起:新世界 7.0
  17. 17变体 4.0
  18. 18哥斯拉大战金刚2:帝国崛起 9.0
  19. 19异星战境 3.0
  20. 20孤注一掷 8.0
  21. 21机动部队 7.0
  22. 22动物世界 4.0
  23. 23嗜血将军 6.0
  24. 24纳瓦隆大炮 10.0
  25. 25海王 6.0
  26. 26速度与激情10 5.0
  27. 27寻龙秘境 7.0
  28. 28九龙城寨 0.0
  29. 29重生之时 7.0
  30. 30越位者 6.0