After attempting to set a mailbox on fire, Pimpette, 14, and her elder sister, Joséphine, spend their summer holidays shuttling between their secretly pregnant mom and bachelor father. But when Joséphine gets involved with the wrong crowd, little Pimpette turns out to be more responsible than the grown-ups who spend their time educating her.


  1. 1踢球吧少年 10.0
  2. 2神奇的飞跃周 1.0
  3. 3奔跑的笨蛋 4.0
  4. 4当你拯救完世界 3.0
  5. 5乱世豪杰 7.0
  6. 6好戏登场 5.0
  7. 7坐稳车,泰欣娜 1994 0.0
  8. 8今天不回家 3.0
  9. 9美人鱼2006 4.0
  10. 10Rap出一片天 1.0
  11. 11生活即此 4.0
  12. 12圣诞不快乐 7.0
  13. 13酒醒时分 7.0
  14. 14戒烟不戒酒 5.0
  15. 15混然天成 2.0
  16. 16业余纪录片 7.0
  17. 17博很恐惧 10.0
  18. 18永结同心 7.0
  19. 19上帝在吗?我是玛格丽特 2.0
  20. 20青春硬起来 8.0
  21. 21麦德林 10.0
  22. 22蒂芙尼的礼物 7.0
  23. 23酷我随行 10.0
  24. 24业内前五 1.0
  25. 25赌霸-国语 5.0
  26. 26路路畅通 8.0
  27. 27逃路双雄 5.0
  28. 28囧爸喜事 4.0
  29. 29重庆美女 6.0
  30. 30Huat啊! Huat啊! 发! 10.0