The Moliere players are in their dressing room, getting ready to go on set. One actor mentions to another that his face reminds him of an opportunist turncoat he knew when he was in the Resistance. He then relates the adventure that he had in the Resistance, running an illegal radio station and dodging the Nazis.


  1. 1康定情歌 7.0
  2. 2深入敌后:危险营救 10.0
  3. 3大地儿女 5.0
  4. 4决战之后 8.0
  5. 5亮剑之英雄虎胆 8.0
  6. 6娜巴特 3.0
  7. 7卫国保家 4.0
  8. 8南海长城 1.0
  9. 9翠岗红旗 6.0
  10. 10匪巢探密 4.0
  11. 11危城谍影 9.0
  12. 12华沙之战1920 6.0
  13. 13驯马手莫兰特 2.0
  14. 14红鹰 6.0
  15. 15帝国的毁灭国语 7.0
  16. 16黎明的河边 0.0
  17. 17惊沙 3.0
  18. 18光芒万丈1949 7.0
  19. 19小戏骨:洪湖赤卫队 4.0
  20. 20冬季战争 5.0
  21. 21开战日 4.0
  22. 22泰王纳黎萱2 10.0
  23. 23正气歌 5.0
  24. 24血战台儿庄 5.0
  25. 25节日盛宴 8.0
  26. 26红星照耀中国 1.0
  27. 27中国兵王 5.0
  28. 28影子部队 10.0
  29. 29亡命雷区 6.1
  30. 30仁川登陆作战 5.5